Client Success Story: Fran

Supported Internships

Fran started her supported internship in September 2017. Prior to this, Fran was NEET (Not in Education and Training) and was unsure about her future career path. Enable Employment Officer, Brendan, visited her at home to discuss Supported Internships and to complete a vocational profile with her. During their meeting, Brendan suggested different career options that would suit Fran’s strengths and weaknesses. He discovered she had a very caring, empathetic nature and suggested a placement in a care home.

Brendan found Fran an internship at Maesbrook Care Home where she has made excellent progress. She has a lovely rapport with the residents and is very reliable. Her manager is very happy with Fran’s commitment to the team and her work ethic.

Fran’s mother has also seen the positive effect that the placement has had on her, she wrote to Enable saying: “Up until being involved with Enable, both myself and my husband genuinely thought that Fran would never have a job. Fran has a few issues due to autism and learning difficulties. Her behaviour and confidence, through frustration, had become very challenging and we were all feeling very low. However, since we were put in contact with Enable, things started to improve greatly. Firstly Fran was found a work placement and her employers and work colleagues are very understanding and helpful. This boosted Fran’s confidence no end and because she’s busy her frustration levels are back to normal. She really enjoys working. As a result Fran’s behaviour has improved in college. College used to be a place where she found life very hard and the staff really were at the end of their patience. Now although things aren’t perfect in college, Fran is happy to go, even asking for more hours, and the staff have seen a big improvement in her behaviour and outlook. Enable really has changed all our lives, not just Fran’s. Life is so much easier now. Everything is totally different from a 12/18 months ago. As a family we cannot thank all the staff in Enable enough for all their hard work and support.”

Fran will be offered paid employment at the end of her Internship and will have the opportunity of on-the-job training via an apprenticeship.

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